Donation Forms
Recruit online donors with Kentaa Forms
Experience the freedom and security of Kentaa Forms. Instantly create unlimited online donation forms yourself!
- Yourself: The management of the forms and donations is entirely in your own hands.
- Instant: Easily and quickly create new campaigns whenever you want.
- Unlimited: Create unlimited forms at no extra cost.
With the online donation forms of Kentaa Forms you can recruit one-off and structural donors for your non-profit organisation. It combines convenience, security and flexibility and is easy to use for you and your donors. Kentaa Forms is linked to a payment provider that ensures donors can give securely via all common payment methods. You are in control: create new forms in no time. In a clear dashboard, you then manage the one-off and structural donors.
Kentaa Forms is a smart tool for online or direct mail campaigns. Each form is a unique landing page that you can use in your mailing or campaign and easily share via social media. With text, images and video, you tell the story in an appealing way. You can also easily link to the online donation forms on your website with a widget or donate button.
You recruit one-off and structural donors in a general sense or for a specific purpose or project. The choice is yours.
5 reasons to raise donations with Kentaa Forms
Donation forms in your own style
Recruit structural and one-off donors
Unique landing pages for online and DM campaigns
Easily integrate on your own website via widget or donate button
View, manage and download donor data
How does Kentaa Forms work?
In the Kentaa Forms dashboard, you create an online donation form. On the donation page, you tell your story with text, images and/or video. You set standard donation amounts for donors to choose from. Then you share the unique link in an online or DM campaign or integrate the form with on own website. The recruiting can begin! You can then easily manage donors via the Kentaa Forms dashboard.
Get started with Kentaa Forms
Have you become interested in the possibilities of Kentaa Forms? Then visit for more information about the costs and see which organisations already use Kentaa Forms.