Online collection

To set up an online collection campaign, Kentaa has developed the Digicollect platform. This allows charitable organisations to collect online in an accessible way. Through their Digicollect website, they can facilitate their supporters with online collection boxes. As an online extension of the (door-to-door) collection week or to strengthen a campaign online. Digicollect uses key factors of traditional collection: anonymous giving, small amounts and social pressure and combines them with the viral power of the internet.

Collect online during your collection week or use Digicollect as a gift box, anniversary box or 'in memoriam' platform.


5 reasons to raise donations with Digicollect


  • Your own Digicollect website with your corporate identity elements
  • Responsive design and strong integration with social media
  • A unique QR code for each collection box
  • Easy donation via Tikkie
  • Real-time statistics


How does Digicollect work?


With Digicollect, your supporters can make a digital collection box and collect online for your organisation. Digicollect makes use of the possibilities and conveniences that the internet offers, and combines that with the powerful characteristics of offline collection: small amounts, anonymous giving and social pressure.


Ready to set up within 5 days

Have you become interested in the possibilities of online collection? Visit for more information about the costs and see which organisations already use Digicollect.


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