4 tips for fundraising for beginners

24-07-2020 | 08:00

It's getting harder to find donors who want to keep donating to an organisation for an extended period. The ideal situation is that a donor gives more than once, for example, every month. Preferably for longer than a year.

Donors are becoming pickier and prefer to give one-off (and smaller) donations. People prefer to donate multiple smaller amounts to different charities. There's nothing wrong with that, but it makes it harder for organisations to build a lasting relationship. They have to look for new donors and find ways to engage them in their organisation. What is the best way to do this?

In this article, we'll give you 4 tips for fundraising.

1. Make your donor feel special
Praise your donor for helping your organisation. You can do this in multiple ways. Keep track of who your donors are. Sending them an email if they have resigned as a donor or if they have made a one-off donation is a great start. You can also express your gratitude by organising a day for your donors and volunteers, for example. A day like this isn't obligatory and takes some preparation, but it is a great way to show your supporters how much they mean to you (and not just for the money).

2. Keep your donors updated on your organisation
If you are as transparent as possible, it will become more apparent for the donor what impact their donation has on your fundraising campaign and your ultimate goal. Make sure you send an online newsletter with updates about your fundraising campaign regularly. Giving updates may sound obvious, but a lot of organisations forget about it.

3. Make an ambassador of your donor
A donor won't donate to your organisation because he doesn't want to lose his money. He will only give if he believes in what your organisation is fighting for. That's why it's a good idea to make your donor more than just a donor. Let them participate in spreading your message. You can do this by making news items about your fundraising campaign shareable via social media. Sharing on social media is an accessible way to help that doesn't ask too much of your donor.

4. Keep looking for new donors
Don't give up on your search for new ways to gain donations. Social media offers you a massive amount of potential donors. Recruiting donors takes time and energy. If you give your donors enough attention, you will be able to build a bond with them. This bond will only become stronger, and donors will start helping you to recruit new donors.

There is no magic solution. No fundraising or donor recruitment method will automatically succeed. The key is to keep trying, testing and evaluating. Don't give up!