Kentaa offers Belgian vzw's an alternative to online fundraising during 'de Warmste Week'

25-08-2020 | 15:58

In 2020, 'de Warmste Week' (the Warmest Week), the annual campaign for Belgian charities run by Studio Brussel, focusses on a nice gesture and volunteering. Fundraising is of less importance. In previous years, thousands of charities have raised funds during the Warmest Week. Proceeds that they are in danger of missing out on this year. It's a particularly hard blow given the impact of the Coronacrisis and the government's reduced funding for culture, youth work and social-cultural causes.


A helping hand for charities

We're aware of the huge negative impact of this change for Belgian charities and the people who depend on them. That's why we want to help. We can't replicate the media attention the Warmest Week creates. What we can do is offer an alternative by means of a platform for online fundraising. Our web-based services Kentaa Crowdfunding, Kentaa Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and Kentaa Event Fundraising are free to use for Belgian charities. Supporters who wish to raise funds for Belgian charities can set up their own pages on the charity's fundraising platform. The only costs are the donations' transaction costs. That means zero financial risks for the organisations. Kentaa asks donors for a voluntary contribution to her services.


Taking matters into your own hands

Kentaa's services allow charities to independently start their own website with the type of fundraising that's right for their organisation. No technical knowledge required. Kentaa websites can be used for: 

  • fundraising
  • crowdfunding campaigns
  • fundraising pages by supporters
  • successful (virtual) fundraising events.

The use of Kentaa's platforms is not limited to a specific timeframe. Charities are welcome to use the platforms as long as they like. That means year-round fundraising.


Have a look at our different options to get started or contact us for more information.