Red Cross uses Kentaa performance tracker as a fundraising tool

23-11-2020 | 15:04

In 2020, the Dutch Red Cross hosted the virtual event Kilometers voor Kansen (Miles for Refugees) for the second time. It’s an innovative fundraising campaign to raise money for refugees. The concept: participants choose a distance that symbolises a route travelled by refugees. The participant travels the same distance (jogging, cycling or walking, for example) and raises funds for the Red Cross with their efforts.

The result
475 participants registered to join Kilometers voor Kansen and participated in September. At the time of writing, 4.481 donations were made, 84.711 euros in total. Participants were significantly invested and the campaign created a lot of awareness for the Red Cross.

Tracking sporty performances
The Red Cross used their Kentaa-platform for Kilometers voor Kansen. Participants could sign up on the website, get their own fundraising page and receive donations. They had the option to choose one of four symbolic distances, or set their own goal.

The built-in Kentaa performance tracker allowed them to record the KMs they travelled, either by entering them manually or by syncing with Strava. This mobile app records sporty performances and displays them on a map.

Sporty performance has long been a successful fundraising incentive. It’s now easier to incorporate on fundraising platforms. It helps participants more actively use their fundraising pages and are helps them to ask their network for donations in a casual way. Donors stay more involved throughout the fundraiser when they see the participants’ progress and updates.

Working towards a common goal
The performance tracker offers the possibility to display how many kilometres have been covered by all participants. This improves the overall experience and provides a sense of togetherness for virtual events like this one.

62.802 kilometres were recorded on the Kilometers voor Kansen website.

The Kentaa performance tracker
The performance tracker is part of the Kentaa Premium platform. Want to know more? Contact us.