Meet our new Backend Developer Robin

01-02-2022 | 13:35

The Kentaa development team has a new member! At the beginning of this year, Robin van Dijk started his new position as Backend Developer at Kentaa. We would like to introduce him to you.

Robin lives with his girlfriend in Meppel. Quite a drive from our office in Arnhem, but fortunately that is not such a problem now that we all work from home a lot. In his spare time, he likes to run and he is looking forward to the moment when he can participate in a competition again. Robin can also be poked for a good board game, as soon as that is possible again! He looks forward to participating in the game nights that we organise at Kentaa (as soon as we're allowed!).

Before his move to Kentaa, Robin worked for six years with great satisfaction at his previous employer, also as a Backend Developer. "After being part of the same team for a long time, it was time to look for a new challenge." He found it at Kentaa.

Why Kentaa? "Kentaa has a small but close-knit team. We appear to be a good match. Kentaa's working method is similar to that of my previous employer, so that is an additional advantage." Moreover, there is a match with Kentaa's mission: to help organisations that are committed to offering everyone opportunities for a good life and to make the world a better place. "I like being able to build platforms that contribute something positive. That's how my work really matters."

Robin has finished his first weeks, and although it took some getting used to and Kentaa's platforms were a voyage of discovery in themselves, he is now fully involved in our development sprints. Good luck, Robin!


We are very happy with the expansion of our development team. This helps us to innovate faster with our online fundraising platforms. That's why we're looking for another Developer! View the vacancy.